Indemnity for consultants is generally either provided by Defence Unions on a Claims Occurred basis or by Insurers on a Claims Made basis. Both methods provide seamless cover, they just do it in different ways, with consultants often having a mixture of Claims Occurred and Claims Made cover.
We want you to feel comfortable when changing providers and knowing you are covered is a key part of this. For further details on how seamless cover will be provided, please select the relevant option below.
We are aware there is a company using an international insurer to offer insurance on a Claims Occurred basis. This is not an approach we would recommend, as with minimum limits of indemnity being defined by the major hospital groups, we would not want to see these raised and consultants being left historically under-indemnified.
We hope that our competitive premiums and first-class service will be enough to keep you as a Primus client. However, if you do decide you would like to move to another indemnity provider there is nothing stopping you. You are not tied into us, with your new provider arranging cover for your historical work.
The medical indemnity insurance market is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, with their aim being to ensure the markets work well, so the consumers get a fair deal. This includes protecting customers, enhancing market integrity and promoting competition.
The market facilitates the movement of consultants between insurance providers, with the new provider picking up your historic cover so you should always be fully covered and should only ever need to deal with your current provider.
Every policy provided by Primus will cover you for a minimum of 21 years in retirement, starting from your final day worked. This will pick up claims for any work undertaken in the policy period and retroactive period, ensuring full peace of mind.
With clinical negligence patients have 3 years to initiate a civil claim for compensation from the date of the injury or from the date of knowledge of the injury. This limitation does not apply to children, with the 3 year limit starting from their 18th birthday, hence the 21 years.